A New Moon in Pisces

February 21st ~ 28th

The Nautilus is my Boat by Warwick Goble

The Nautilus is my Boat by Warwick Goble

And as much as I’d like to believe there’s a truth beyond illusion, I’ve come to believe that there’s no truth beyond illusion. Because, between ‘reality’ on the one hand, and the point where the mind strikes reality, there’s a middle zone, a rainbow edge where beauty comes into being, where two very different surfaces mingle and blur to provide what life does not: and this is the space where all art exists, and all magic. ~ Donna Tartt

All the planets are currently wedged within an innovative and mind-altering Mars/Uranus trine this week. Do something different: go on a adventure; have the courage to try something new; have a conversation with someone you don’t know yet. When we dare ourselves to look at ourselves, our lives, our environment from another perspective, in a different way, it allows us to see everything in a different light. That’s when solutions to problems arise; that’s when we see that we don’t always have to keep doing things the way we have in the past. That’s when the magic begins. 

The New Moon in Pisces on February 23rd takes place right at the mid-point of the Mars/Uranus trine. With action-oriented Mars in pragmatic Capricorn on the one side, and experimental Uranus in the Taurus land of sensual delights on the other side, we can safely dabble in the creative world of fantasy and possibility, without losing sight of what is actually practical and achievable. This is about coming up with a creative idea, and then bringing all the conditions together to manifest it. And, we have the Jupiter/Neptune sextile at our back, urging us, investing all of us with this desire to realize and manifest our hopes and our dreams. 

In Pisces season we move beyond our personal aspirations and explore more universal concepts. This can include our own role and connection to all of Life, while also discovering a sense of purpose or meaning even in the mundane areas of our lives. What does it truly mean for you to live a life of meaning? How would it feel like for you to connect with your soul’s purpose? One of the things that could become evident in your own journey, is how individualized each of our spiritual paths are. And honoring that. What stirs your soul, may not be what necessarily stirs the soul of another. And vice versa. That seems to be the hidden message invested with this mystical Pisces moon. 

We are approaching the very heart of the retrograde phase of Mercury. And as we do so, Mercury will cross paths with the same degree as the New Moon. The Inferior Conjunction of Mercury on the 25th, is similar to its own New Moon phase. A time when we plant seeds within our own minds. We might not even know what these are yet. It is not usually deliberate. But it can be. So this can be a good time to also seed better mental habits and healthier routines. And that can include adding some more magic, and creativity into your daily routines, in whatever way is most relevant to you. 

And as a reminder, and with even greater emphasis, thanks to the New Moon and the inferior conjunction of Mercury in its retrograde phase: 

  • Continue to pay attention to your dreams. Keep a dream journal by your bed if you are so inclined. There’s no telling messages you may be trying to send yourself. And this weather is just primed for this.

  • Allow yourself to invent, imagine and create. Never are we so connected to this vast pool of inspiration and creative imagination as we are now. Allow yourself to be enchanted. 

  • Unearth your divination tools of choice: the pendulum that you locked away in the 70’s; your favorite tarot deck; the royal I Ching. This is still a powerful time for divination and to connect with your subconscious, with your Higher Self, with God Wisdom and that which you associate with Spirit or God. 

  • But also take some time out to simply listen for the whispers in the sound of silence. For it will be in this sacred space that you will be the recipient of divine insight and revelation. 

For next week’s horoscopes, click below:


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