Sacred Timing

Received by Mashubi - February 07, 2020

World Blessings Sacred Letters #75

Dearest beloveds,

A new timeline is manifesting on planet earth, as the result of a significant vibrational change to the physical matter that comprises her sacred body.

As the result of this significant level shift into greater light and vibrational resonance, there are now some very strong and needed changes that can begin to manifest, that will lay the groundwork for the future, and for the new structures of light that will be needed.

It is important to be aware that these changes may manifest in any number of ways. Some may appear to be wanted, or unwanted, but all changes need to be accepted and integrated, in order for the new light to begin to manifest more fully on the earth, and in the hearts, minds, and bodies of all of humanity.

There is a sacred timing to the unfoldment of events within space and time. This sacred timing may not make sense to the logical, rational, sequential mind.

The reason for this is that there is a large whole that is being transformed, not simply individual parts.

Each of you are individual parts of the sacred whole, of the transformation of the earth. It is not possible to know with the rational mind, all the levels at which this transformation is unfolding, but one can sense and feel this in the heart and the body and in the divine flow of sacred life.

Dearest beloveds, embrace these new seeds of light that are beginning to sprout and take root now, some becoming visible, and even more becoming active within the flow of daily life in space and time. 

This is a great gift that so much more will now be possible for the embodied experience of divine light to communicate itself to the hearts, bodies and minds of all of humanity.

Be patient with yourselves, and with your fellow beloveds on the earth, as some of the strong changes that are ahead will require a great deal of fortitude, faith, and strength of heart to navigate through.

This time that is ahead, has been foretold so that humanity could prepare, and so that all the souls needed for this transition could be incarnated, prepared and ready to enter the passageway into the new divine unfoldment.