Holy Awakening

Received by Mashubi - November 23, 2019

World Blessings Sacred Letters #71

Dearest beloved ones,

A new force of light is traveling through the energetic ley lines of the Earth, which is creating a new foundation for spiritual light to reside and anchor within physical form.

Through the interconnectedness of these lines of light, a greater fullness of the frequencies of the redemptive Christ light can now travel to those places that have been in such dire need.

Some will feel the relief as greater light is able to flow through their body and consciousness.

Others may experience sudden and abrupt life changes and transitions, as the force of light liberates energies of darkness that were previously hidden or unconscious.

As the result of these energetic changes to the Earth, a great deal more is going to be possible, in the way of manifestation of structures and activities of light.

This does not mean that the energetic forces of darkness will not continue to attempt to exert themselves, sometimes in very strong and upsetting ways, but a major obstacle has been removed now, that will allow each embodied soul a fuller expression of who they are, and who they need to be on the Earth at this time.

Similarly, those that have completed their purposes here on the earth, are being allowed now to transition with completion and peace, even those that have carried long-standing internal or external challenges.

Pray for these souls, and for all the souls on the earth, pray for all beings on the earth in the earth herself. Enfold this holy planet in prayer at this time, with compassion and love and trust. 

We thank each of you who have embodied to be present during this time on the Earth for such a holy and profound and magnificent transition of light that is occurring. 

The time of purification, which is so extremely difficult, is one that has been chosen by each soul on the earth.

Those in the spiritual realms who assist in this transition are constantly sending waves of gratitude and love, and appreciation for the courage and love that allows these souls to continue each day, in such difficult circumstances.

Place all the burdens that you have carried, through this difficult time, in the arms of the divine and holy Mother Earth, who can receive and bless your work, and your holy sacrifice.

With deepest gratitude and love, Amen.