Believe In The Good: Cat’s Angel Message for April 22, 2024

Believe In The Good: Cat’s Angel Message for April 22, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


If your spirits are low, try looking for ONE GOOD THING that happened today and celebrate the small victory. Cat


Today’s Message: Believe In The Good

422:  Every day we are made aware of the bad things happening around us thanks to newspapers, social media, and television. After being bombarded with this ongoing negativity it can be difficult to see the good in humanity as well as in ourselves. But the truth is that the GOOD is there and sometimes we just need to look more closely to find it. This is also true in our own lives because we sometimes get so caught up in the bad things that we forget to see and experience the good things. More and more of our fellow human beings are sharing positive stories and their light with the world. Today the angels are urging us to trust in the Universe and in ourselves. They are asking us to have hope and to acknowledge the divine spirit that resides within us. When we can embrace our own divine spirit, we are able to see the divine in others, this enables us to find the good in humanity and promote hope and faith to those around us.

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

. Call upon Archangel Chamuel if you are fearful of current world events and energies, he will surround you with comfort and protection.

The Ascended Master Mother Mary provides us with all forms of healing. She surrounds us with her gentle energy and helps to fill our hearts with love as she imparts feelings of peace and safety as she gently heals the dark, hidden places within while showing us the path that leads to compassion and forgiveness which are essential to healing ourselves and helping others.

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Angelite helps us to connect to the angelic realms by enhancing our lines of communication. It is also a good stone for healers as it strengthens attunement and perception.

Charoite. This multi-hued mineral is a stone of transformation. It helps to open our hearts to the concept of unconditional love and brings those energies forward. Charoite enhances our perception and helps to ground our spiritual nature into everyday reality and helps us to see ways we can be of service. This stone can be used to reduce stress and worry as it helps us to overcome fear.

Rose Quartz. This soft pink crystal is the ultimate nurturer of compassion and loving energy. It soothes the heart, mind, and spirit. It helps us to bring out the best part of ourselves so that we can help and heal not only ourselves but in others as well.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

You Have The Power: Cat’s Angel Message for April 21, 2024

You Have The Power: Cat’s Angel Message for April 21, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


Within you is the power to create the life of your dreams. Cat


Today’s Message: You Have The Power

421: Life’s path offers us many things and takes us in many directions. Some of them bring us happiness and joy while others cause us pain and self-doubt. Today, our angels are encouraging us to step up and be our own cheerleaders. While it’s nice to have someone else pat us on the back and say “Good Job!” our self-confidence benefits more from the divine voice inside. That voice offers us nudges of encouragement as well as guidance. Listen to that voice and allow yourself to receive the mental hugs it has to offer. Remember to use your I AM and I CAN self speak to boost your courage and confidence. Remember, you are a creator and you are worthy of accomplishing great things!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Zadkiel teaches us that true compassion and healing lies in our ability to forgive ourselves and others. This is essential to the letting go and letting it be processes as it allows our hearts and minds to make room and teaches us to just breathe and embrace compassion which in turn makes room for new growth. This is one of the best self-healing practices and gifts that we can give ourselves.

 The Ascended Master Kuthumi helps us to navigate the distractions of everyday life. He encourages us to focus on what’s important right now and to stop fighting the things that we have no control over, which blocks our problem solving and creative flow.  Things flow easier when we are not struggling against the “what if’s and maybes.

The Hindu Goddess Lakshmi teaches us that good things happen when we embrace the world with a grateful and appreciative heart. She tells us ” You are worthy of so many wonderful things but first you must get out of your own way! Let me help you to clear the way so that these gifts can be given to you. Make room and feel the lightness it creates within your spirit.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Agate. This humble stone is the perfect one for grounding and balancing our energies. It also helps by raising our consciousness to access our higher self and promoting the awareness and acceptance of who we are and where we want to go in life. It nurtures our spiritual growth and inner strength by helping us to make the most of our life experiences.

Dalmation Stone. This light-hearted stone is a combination of quartz, microline and black tourmaline. It instills feelings of safety as it helps us to reconnect with our playful side which is important to our emotional health and it transforms outdated thinking during times when we feel stuck and enables our forward progress by encouraging a fresh perspective This stone also promotes grounding and enhances our connection to Mother Earth. It reminds us that we are a part of her as well as being spiritual beings on a very human journey.

Rose Quartz brings us inner peace and harmony which is essential to increasing our faith. The energy of this stone is very soothing and can help calm frazzled nerves. It helps to promote the softer, move loving view that we need to embrace gratitude, it soothes and clears the emotions and fills us with loving compassion. It works with the heart chakra to gently wash away negative feelings that we harbor against ourselves and lifts the emotions to promote joy and peace. It opens our heart and shows us the love in relationships and situations, which helps us find a balancing point Use this gentle stone to shower yourself with loving care and to send healing to those little places that most need it.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Full Wind Moon on April 23, 2024

April’s Full Wind Moon
April 23, 2024

4:48 pm PST/ 5:48pm MST/ EST

The wild and windy March once more
Has shut his gates of sleet,
And given us back the April-time,
So fickle and so sweet.
-Alice Cary (1820-71)

During this full moon we are lured to provocative thoughts of warm days and spring flowers. We see a decrease of the march snows which give way to April showers and windy days. As the wind blows it joyfully spreads last seasons seeds. From these seeds comes growth and new life. Already we are seeing the first flowers leaves of the season. The Old Farmers Almanac calls this the Full Pink Moon because the first grass pink and ground phlox was beginning to grow. Other names for this moon are Seed Moon, Wind Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon

Like the full moon of March the April moon is the perfect time to nurture new beginnings. Plans and ideas that you have been thinking about starting can germinate and grow if you start now. The time has come to take action and make things happen. It is particularly good for love and adopting or conceiving a child.

To celebrate this full moon bright primary colors are the pick of the day and sacred stones like selenite, angelite, celestite and quartz crystal are the perfect adornments. Springtime flower scents like violet, hyacinth and other florals can add a special touch as well.

Full moon blessings!

Faith and Confidence: Cat’s Angel Message for April 20, 2024

Faith and Confidence: Cat’s Angel Message for April 20, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


You are amazing! Cat


Today’s Message: Faith and Confidence

420: Today we delve a little deeper into our ability to help and heal ourselves and others. The biggest stumbling blocks are lack of confidence and faith in ourselves. These things can keep us from making the effort because we are afraid to fail. Today the Universe is reminding us that what we perceive as failure is actually progress. Each attempt or step (even baby steps) helps to keep us moving forward and teaches us something new. Our actions are inspiring to ourselves and to others, as we show that while we are a work in progress we continue to persevere to make ourselves the best person we can be. If you try something and it doesn’t work out, look for the one thing that did (there is always at least one) and use that as a building block and try again. by doing this we gain self-confidence and courage. Step into your power and keep moving upward!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Michael teaches us that through compassion and commitment to our beliefs we can lead effectively through example. He sets us on the path of commitment to our purpose by showing us how to work through obstacles that pop up as he teaches us that we have what it takes to create new things for ourselves as he helps us reach new levels of self-confidence.

The Ascended Master Mother Mary provides us with all forms of healing. She surrounds us with her gentle energy and helps to fill our hearts with love as she imparts feelings of peace and safety as she gently heals the dark, hidden places within while showing us the path that leads to compassion and forgiveness which are essential to healing ourselves and helping others. She helps to fill our hearts with peace and love and helps everyone regardless of path or religion.

The Chinese Goddess Kuan Yin, who embodies compassion and mercy says, “You are a beautiful soul and have so much to offer. I can guide you on the path of self-love and help you to embrace the confidence you need to free your mind, heart, and spirit. Be gentle on yourself. Joy comes from embracing the simple things which frees the energy needed to assist the creation process and help others along the way.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Use Carnelian for motivation and increased creativity. It teaches us to trust in ourselves and helps us find creative solutions to current issues as it boosts self-esteem and invites us to embrace our personal power while promoting positive life choices which enhance our ability to draw new forms of prosperity and abundance.

While Garnet is best known as a stone of protection it can benefit the use of our natural talents as well. It helps us to overcome any resistance we may have in using our gifts and promotes self-confidence. Garnet removes what no longer serves and mental self-sabotage which opens the doors to new growth and personal evolution. It promotes balance and clears and re-energizes the chakras. 

Pink Kunzite is a feel-good stone that helps us to go with the flow. It brings feelings of peace as it connects us to universal love as it removes obstacles from our path and promotes communication on all levels.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Healing Skills: Cat’s Angel Message for April 19, 2024

Healing Skills: Cat’s Angel Message for April 19, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


You are qualified to help both yourself and others. Cat


Today’s Message: Healing Skills

419:  Within each of us is the ability to help heal ourselves and others. Yes! You are qualified on both accounts. The thing to remember about self-healing is that it begins with you, and you must have the motivation and willingness to start the process and to keep it going. The Universe is reminding us that we are works in progress and are all at different levels. So don’t become discouraged if you go through a temporary setback or feel that you aren’t exactly where you think you should be. Baby steps work best and give us the option to make changes as we go. If you are working with others keep in mind that you don’t need to solve their problems for them and that being a good listener and offering encouragement can work miracles. Don’t be stingy about helping others or yourself and the benefits will return tenfold! 

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Embrace the healing energy of Archangel Raphael. This enhances your personal healing abilities so that you are better equipped to help yourself and others when needed. He teaches us that it is through our spiritual journey that we can heal our selves and our lives and therefore regain our self-confidence and faith. He helps to clear the way so that we can achieve balance by removing the blocks associated with giving and receiving by promoting flexibility in thinking and attitude.

The Ascended Master El Morya supports all who give of themselves in service of others, and he shows us how to stay committed to our own growth so that we can heal and teach those in need.  He reminds us that it is our faith that keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both the patience and the clear decision making needed to make things happen.

The Egyptian Goddess Nuit (Nut) represents the sky and the cosmos. She is a mother goddess, a life-giver. She teaches us the importance of nurturing those in our care with patience and love. As a cosmic goddess she reminds us of our divine place in the Universe and while we may feel small and insignificant the truth is far different. She says” Rejoice in your own power. It is love and patience that allow you to shape the world and make you a creator in your own right. You do not need to have born a child to be a mother this essence lives within all. Embrace it and send it to those around you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Yellow Apatite draws away the stagnant energy and negativity of self and others. It also helps to neutralize anger on an emotional level.

Charoite. This multi-hued mineral is a stone of transformation. It helps to open our hearts to the concept of unconditional love and brings those energies forward. Charoite enhances our perception and helps to ground our spiritual nature into everyday reality and helps us to see ways we can be of service. This stone can be used to reduce stress and worry as it helps us to overcome fear.

Fuchsite helps us to understand our personal interactions with others, particularly in the area’s basic life concerns. It teaches self-worth and how to do what is necessary to get others moving in the right direction without doing everything for them.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Unlimited Manifestation: Cat’s Angel Message for April 18, 2024

Unlimited Manifestation: Cat’s Angel Message for April 18, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


You have the power to create your life! Cat


Today’s Message: Unlimited Manifestation

418:  Being grateful for what we have may sound like a common or boring theme for the day. The truth is that this mindset should be embraced every day. There are times when we backslide into negative patterns and we concentrate or worry about the things that we don’t have or can’t have. These patterns place limits on our ability to manifest the good/necessary things in life. However, when we meet each day with the attitude of gratitude and look for life’s tiny miracles things flow and fall into place. Allow your gratitude to shine through today and let good things unfold and happen!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Gabriel helps us to access our inner wisdom and shows us how it can guide and inspire us. Gabriel also teaches us the importance of communication on all levels. This helps us to overcome our fears so that we can complete the things we start and achieve positive results during times of transformation and change.

The Ascended Master Buddha helps us to find our “Attitude of Gratitude”. By acknowledging what we have to be grateful for we are filled with joy and inner peace which encourages positive flow. He also reminds us of the important balance between giving and receiving. When we are balanced, we find the patience and inner peace we need to go with the flow and can help us embrace the “Tiny Miracles” in our lives as well.

The Greek Goddess Iris teaches us that miracles of beauty can happen in an instant. She says “Open your eyes, both physical and spiritual, then open your heart and allow the divine light to fill you. This will help you see the blessings and the beauty that are right before your eyes. Take nothing for granted.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Aventurine teaches us how to give and receive gracefully. Both are necessary for healthy relationships with self and others, and it allows the Universe to care for you. Aventurine also helps to dispel the anger and irritation that sometimes arise when we are stuck in the “what I lack” mind loop.

Use Carnelian for motivation and increased creativity. It teaches us to trust in ourselves and helps us find creative solutions to current issues as it boosts self-esteem and invites us to embrace our personal power while promoting positive life choices which enhance our ability to draw new forms of prosperity and abundance.

Orbicular or Ocean Jasper helps to increase our sense of responsibility and promotes patience. It provides the strength we need to calmly deal with life’s challenges and soothes the emotional stress that can happen when we become impatient for results.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Self Kindness: Cat’s Angel Message for April 17, 2024

Self Kindness: Cat’s Angel Message for April 17, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


Be your own best friend and above all be kind to yourself! Cat


Today’s Message: Self Kindness

 417: Over the last few days, we’ve been working on clearing the way for new growth. This raises our energy level and increases our feel good and positive vibes. Even when we experience difficult times we really do have many reasons to be optimistic and hopeful and the angels want us to know that we are doing a great job. Take some time for yourself today and engage in whatever makes your spirit sing. Days like this are good for us emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Choose something that simply makes your heart and spirit sing. This will help to promote positive flow and allow you to ground, center and balance. Start your day with a big self hug and above all be kind to yourself!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include

Archangel Jophiel the angel of Illumination and wisdom, fills us with beautiful, loving thoughts and uplifting energy which helps us to create a fresh approach to life. Jophiel tells us that goodness and beauty surround us all the time. By keeping ourselves open to receiving these blessings it draws the things we need directly to us. This is a reminder that slowing down activates our creative mind and makes these things easier to visualize and grasp and by taking the time to “smell the roses” the attitude of gratitude flows more easily

 The Ascended Master Yogananda teaches us that during times of stress or loss of focus peace can be found through meditation. Remember that meditation can be as simple as taking several deep breaths and centering yourself. Use this as your personal reset button.

The Welsh goddess Cordelia is a deity of nature and technically Spring is her season. However, she has shown up today to remind us that every season has its own unique beauty and healing energy. Embrace joy today to help you to escape stress and let go. “Healing can be found in nature. Allow the beauty that surrounds you to renew your spirit and fill your soul with pure joy.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Rose Quartz brings us inner peace and harmony which is essential to increasing our faith and confidence. The energy of this stone is very soothing and can help calm frazzled nerves. It helps to promote the softer, move loving view that we need to embrace gratitude, it soothes and clears the emotions and fills us with loving compassion. It works with the heart chakra to gently wash away negative feelings that we harbor against ourselves and lifts the emotions to promote joy and peace.

Sunstone brings personal empowerment and fights procrastination. It brings out our natural optimism, self-confidence and promotes our natural flow of abundance as it soothes our fear of change and the accompanying stress that change can bring.  

Sunstone has a strong connection to light and helps to harness the reenergizing power of the sun during meditation and everyday life. It is linked to all benevolent deities and brings good fortune and luck.

Sunstone brings personal empowerment and fights procrastination. It brings out our natural optimism, self confidence and promotes our natural flow of abundance as it soothes our fear of change and the accompanying stress that change can bring.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Tiny Miracles: Cat’s Angel Message for April 16, 2024

Tiny Miracles: Cat’s Angel Message for April 16, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


Make miracles happen on your own behalf. You’ve got this! Cat


Today’s Message: Tiny Miracles

416: Today the angels are encouraging you to embrace feelings of hope and optimism. Affirm that you are safe and let the Universe and your helpers clear away any anxiety and fear that you may be feeling at this time. Replace these things with a renewed focus centered around the things that you can control and the things that bring peace into your personal environment. This is the time to pay attention and acknowledge all the gifts and blessings that you receive and currently have, even the “Tiny Miracles” count. The effort that you apply today will generate long term benefits for you and those you love. Meet today with a grateful heart!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Haniel showers us with stardust, illuminating our thoughts and memories so that we can remember what magickal beings we truly are, which assists us in the creation process. In turn this shows us how to receive with grace and gratitude. This process accelerates when we allow beauty and harmony to surround us. It helps us to enjoy ourselves which makes blessings easier to receive.

The Ascended Master Kuthumi helps us to navigate the distractions of everyday life. He encourages us to focus on what’s important right now and to stop fighting the things that we have no control over, which blocks our problem solving and creative flow. Things flow easier when we are not struggling against the “what if’s and maybes.

The Chinese Goddess Kuan Yin, who embodies compassion and mercy says, “You are a beautiful soul and have so much to offer. I can guide you on the path of self-love and help you to embrace the confidence you need to free your mind, heart, and spirit. Be gentle on yourself. Joy comes from embracing the simple things which frees the energy needed to assist the creation process and help others along the way.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Larimar helps to remove self-imposed barriers that may be keeping us from accepting our personal power and stops self-sabotaging behavior by bringing out the best in us. It helps us to see the things that we have to be grateful for and the tiny miracles that we take for granted. This sky-blue stone also helps to ease our obsession for material things and shows us how to put things into perspective so that you manifest what you really need. It shows us how to go with the flow.

Tiger’s Eye (Gold) helps build a bridge between you and your power. It shows us the correct way to use our power and invites our integrity forward. It is also a stone of abundance and draws good things to us while helping us see the blessings we have. Tiger’s Eye helps us to accomplish our goals by showing us how to recognize and access our inner resources and the promotion of clear intentions. It is a stone of luck and prosperity and works with the energies of both earth and sun, it also helps with grounding while drawing spiritual energies to earth.

 Zincite helps to remove energy blocks which gets our life force flowing, which aids our manifestation process. It also restores our energy when it becomes depleted by giving away too much of ourselves to others. 

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Thoughts and Beliefs: Cat’s Angel Message for April 15, 2024

Thoughts and Beliefs: Cat’s Angel Message for April 15, 2024

  April Theme:  We are being challenged to make changes, both large and small . You have the power to make things happen and the Universe is on your side.


Don’t limit yourself to one way of thinking. Keep all the lines open! Cat


Today’s Message: Thoughts and Beliefs

415:  We all aspire to a better and higher quality of life. Our hopes and dreams come to fruition through our thoughts and beliefs. In order to have the life we desire we must be willing to do what is necessary to make it happen. Right now is a great time to plan where you want your path to take you. This includes making the necessary changes and choices that help us in our creation and manifestation processes. Remember that the angels are here to help us, although they will not do it all for us. To start this process the angels ask that we turn over any limiting thoughts that we have about ourselves and our future. They are also reminding us that we are powerful creators and that the only limits are the ones we put on ourselves. By having faith in yourself and in the abundance of the universe you will see that your power and potential are truly limitless!

Today’s Spirit Helpers include:

Archangel Jeremiel is in charge of life reviews and changes. He can help you see everything that you have accomplished recently as well as the areas that need attention and helps us to let go of what we no longer need. He teaches us that by taking inventory of our lives we gain clear perspective of where we are on our path, which in turn helps us to make positive life changes. He removes our fear of change and what the future holds and replaces them with a sense of expectant excitement.

The Ascended Master El Morya can help if you have trouble staying present and focused in the now. He teaches us the importance of putting aside what we cannot control so that we are free to think about other things. He reminds us that it is our faith that keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both the patience and the clear decision making needed to make things happen.

The Welsh Goddess Cerridwen uses her cauldron “Amen” to help provide us with knowledge, wisdom, personal rebirth and inspiration. remember that change brings us the transformation that we need. She reminds us “The opportunity for your own transformation lies before you. It provides you the chance to spread your wings and grow. Look into my sacred cauldron and see the vision of your path unfolding before you.”

Today’s Sacred Stones include:

Agate. This humble stone is the perfect one for grounding and balancing our energies. It also helps by raising our consciousness to access our higher self and promoting the awareness and acceptance of who we are and where we want to go in life. It nurtures our spiritual growth and inner strength by helping us to make the most of our life experiences.

Chiastolite (aka Cross Stone or Andalusite) promotes the creative problem solving process. It enables us to release things that are no longer relevant to our current path and dispels any guilt we may have when we leave things behind. It helps us to make the necessary changes and brings harmony to conflicts that arise when we blaze new trails that others were not expecting or able to control.

  While Garnet is best known as a stone of protection it can benefit the use of our natural talents as well. It helps us to overcome any resistance we may have in using our gifts and promotes self-confidence. Garnet removes what no longer serves and mental self-sabotage which opens the doors to new growth and personal evolution. It promotes balance and clears and re-energizes the chakras.

Blessings for a magickal day! Cat

I invite you to share my work as long as no changes are made and to check out my websites:

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Cat’s Treasure Trove …. an eclectic collection of jewelry & gifts!

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)

Celtic Tree Month of Willow April 15- May 12.

The Celtic Tree month of Willow or Saille (Sail) runs from April 15- May 12.

The Tree:

The willow tree is associated with the element of water and they grow best in or near damp or wet areas. They love growing on or near riverbanks and actually help to stop soil erosion. They are impressive trees that can grow up to 80 feet in height. There are many varieties of willows throughout Europe and North America, including globe, white and weeping and all They make excellent shade trees. All willows produce long fuzzy catkins in the spring before the leaves appear, they have thick, ridged bark and long thin leaves. As anyone with willow trees can attest to they are messy trees and are what is called “self pruning” as they tend to drop copious amounts of branches when it’s windy. Willow is also a shrub and can be found growing along creeks and in marshy areas.

In Healing:

In healing willow is used as an all around pain reliever and is the main ingredient in aspirin. It is also used to treat fever, chills, bursitis, menstrual cramps, chronic dysentery, worms and edema just to name a few. It is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and an antiseptic. It has also recently been shown to delay the formation of cataracts and lower the risk of male heart disease. It can also be used as a wash to treat poison-ivy, corns and cuts.

In Myth & Magic

Willows are a symbols of new journeys, and contact with the otherworld. The Celts have a creation myth that involves this tree. It is said that in the beginning there were two scarlet colored sea serpent eggs that held the sun and the earth. These eggs were hidden among the branches of a great willow tree to keep them safe. When the eggs hatched, they brought forth all life.

Willow is the embodiment of female and lunar energy. She is the ebb and flow of the waters of the Earth Mother and governs the cycles of woman and of earth. The month of willow brings the wonder and enchantment of spring, moon related magic, strengthening of intuition and new wisdom. Her connection to the moon can bring visions and the understanding of dreams. To dream of a willow tree is said to mean that a rival will take your lover.

In Northern European folklore willow was associated with death and the words “wicked and witch” are said to be derived from it’s name, however if you place the branches in your home those within will be protected from evil. Other associated folklore includes knocking on this tree to avert evil and yes this where the saying “Knock on wood” originated. If you carry a piece of willow on your person it will instill bravery and remove the fear of death. If there is a willow growing near your home it will protect you, and if you need to get something off your chest, tell it to a willow tree and your secret will be held fast. Talismans of willow twigs and leaves can be made for love, friendship and loyalty.

As a magical name Willow is one of emotion. It is also a flowing and loving name for a serious moon worshiper!

Willow People

People born in the month of willow tend to be empathic with good intuition. They can also access ancient memories easier than most other people. They have a deep love for beautiful things and can be honest to a fault. Willows also accept change easily and are quick to grab opportunities that come their way.
On the down side willow people are subject to mood swings and can have trouble reasoning things out. They can be hard to get to know and demanding which makes them hard to live with at times.


Folk Names: Pussy Willow, Saille, Saugh Tree, Tree of Enchantment, Withe, Withy

Magic: love, fertility, protection, intuition, healing, contact with fairies and elementals, moon magic.

Deities: Artemis, Hecate, Aradia, Sarasvati, Ishtar, Dana, Diana, Ceridwen, the Morrigan, Belil, Poseidon, Arawen, Brigid, Mercury

Sacred Stones: Moonstone, Opal, Pearl, Mother of Pearl

written by Cat from the following sources:
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
The New Book of Magical Names by Phoenix McFarland
Whispers from the Woods by Sandra Kynes

I invite you to check out my websites!

The Desert Path: The dusty ramblings of a desert pagan.

Sacred Spirals (the place where all paths meet)