Strong Waves of Change

Received by Mashubi - December 03, 2019

World Blessings Sacred Letters #72

Dearest beloveds,

A strong change is arriving for planet earth, and it is of upmost importance at this time to completely trust your divine heart, which speaks to you through your human heart.

Love, and trust are the answers to all the questions that you may have about your life and the life of the world.

All of the earth and all of physical matter were created in divine love. The divine creator endowed each soul, with divine intention and divine choice.

The freedom to make choices is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity.

The earth has patiently waited and received all the results of humanity's choices, and now, at this significant cosmic moment, humanity is reaping the results of these choices.

You dearest beloved are here on the Earth, to participate in this momentous divine awakening.

It is important that you understand that what you are seeing, of all of the suffering that is around you and within you, is related to the process of purification.

You are not bad, you are not intended to suffer, and you need not despair at what you are seeing. 

Focus your eyes and your inner vision inward and towards your heart.

Listen, listen, listen dearest beloveds. Follow how are you are being guided from your love.

There are some souls who are here to help in the purification process of the planet. These souls may be feeling overwhelmed by the energies of darkness they are absorbing.

These souls need support and love, and the company of others who are doing similar work.

Listen, listen, listen dearest beloveds to the call of your heart, and follow where you are being guided.

You may need to make some strong changes in order to align with this current moment in order to follow in your soul‘s purpose.

Do not be afraid of the strong changes, but embrace them as your liberation.

With all our love and blessings to you, we bow to you dearest beloveds.