5 Beneficial Yoga Poses For Kids

Yoga is a spiritual activity which keeps us healthy. Yoga is beneficial for adults and kids too. Yoga helps kids to grow fast and healthy. Yoga strengthens and stronger kids bone. Yoga also makes kids flexible and make them tall. So parents should practice yoga to their kids for their better health. So let’s check out some yoga poses for kids and their steps too to do this easily and be benefitted by them. These yoga poses are…

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Source :- atlantaparent . com

Benefits of Yoga for Kids :

Here are the benefits kids can have by doing yoga…

  • Practicing yoga every morning makes your child more flexible and active. That’s how they can be good at sports and other physical tasks.
  • Practicing yoga from childhood makes you balance perfectly.
  • Yoga brings peace of mind that helps your child to make focus and to concentrate on their studies and other activities.
  • Yoga helps children to boost confidence. Regular practicing of yoga helps your child to grow self-confidence. They can stay active and can do every work with confidence and it helps them to succeed.
  • Yoga strengthens mind and body to face a hard situation and make your child solve any hard situation.
  • Yoga promotes a healthy body. Yoga keeps many health-related problems at bay. It gives your child a healthy life.
  • With so much homework and pressure, children get stressed out. Yoga helps children to reduce stress. Yoga makes children more energetic and helps them to reduce stress.
  • Congenital Heart Disease is a heart disease which presents before the birth of a child. This heart disease effect in adulthood. Yoga can cure this heart disease.
  • One of the most important yoga for kids benefits is yoga stretches bones and make your child tall. Practicing yoga increases the height of kids.
  • Yoga makes bone strong so practice your kid yoga position to make their bone strong.

Yoga Poses For Kids

Source :- parenting . firstcry . com

Yoga Poses For Kids:

Yoga is also beneficial for kids. We should know yoga poses for kids benefits before practicing. So here are some yoga poses that are more beneficial for kids. They are…

Naukasana (Boat Pose):

This yoga helps kids to stretch and it also makes their bone strong. The steps are…


  • Spread your mat and lie down straight with your arms on the sides of your legs.
  • Start Inhaling and exhaling, lift your chest and feet off the ground.
  • Stretch your arms towards your feet
  • You can feel the pressure in your stomach area.
  • Hold your breathe and position for 10 seconds.
  • Then start to exhale and bring your body back to your starting position.
  • Do this for 3-4 times.


Source :- augustyoga . com

Halasana (Plow Pose):

This yoga pose assists in toning the muscles of the buttocks, while also strengthening the thighs and shoulders. It is beneficial for improving digestion. Here are the steps to perform it:


  • Spread your mat and lie flat on the floor.
  • Keep the arms side by the body.
  • Keep your palms facing downward and legs together.
  • Relax your body and take deep and slow breaths.
  • Roll the spine till your toes reach the ground over the head.
  • Keep your legs straight.
  • Hold the pose for 15 seconds to a minute.

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose ):

Bridge Pose stretches the spine, neck, the thighs. This position relives from stress, headaches, insomnia, and depression. The steps are…


  • Lie down straight on the mat.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Set your feet on the floor.
  • Keep heels to sitting bones as close as possible.
  • Stay in this pose from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Do this for 3-4 times.


Source :- timesnownews . com

Vriksasana (Tree Pose):

This pose helps you to increase your body balance from your core. The steps are…


  • Stand with your feet together, touching inner ankles and inner knees.
  • Bring your hands together at the center of the chest.
  • Bring your left foot up slowly as high as possible on your right thigh.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.


Source :- vaxins . in

Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose):

This pose helps kids to be flexible and have stronger your bones. The steps are…


  • Stand up straight and keep your feet hip-width apart.
  • Step your feet that there are about 3.5–4 feet distance between them.
  • Turn your left foot in slightly right and your right foot right 90 degrees.
  • Touch your left heel using your left hand slowly and keep your hand and legs straight.
  • Point your right towards the ceiling.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat this position on the other side.

These are the poses of yoga which are most beneficial for Kids…